Q: Is it mandatory for our club to have the lead reclaimed?
A: No.
Q: Can we get sued if we don’t have the lead reclaimed?
A: Government and private entities can sue you for operating a landfill.
Q: Huh?!
A: Discarded shot is considered a solid waste under RCRA. Recycled shot is exempt from RCRA.
Q: Where can I find this information?
A: Look at page 19 of the EPA BMPs for gun ranges.
Q: Do you have a permit from the EPA to reclaim lead?
A: No such permit exists. Local ordinances may require permits.
Q: How much money will we get?
A: It depends on three factors:
- The price of lead.
- The amount recovered.
- The percentage of revenue going to the club.
Q: What determines the percentage of revenue paid to the club?
A: Terrain, vegetation, lead concentration and size of the job.
Please feel free to contact us anytime for answers to your questions.